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3. p. 151 Defect Detection and Cause Analysis on Display Electrostatic Chuck FAB Process Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Seo-Yeon Kim, Jiyoon Lee, Chunghyup Mok, Sanghoon Kim, Seokho Moon, Yunyoung Kyeong, Younggil Jin, Woojin Lee, Jongmyong Choi, Seoung Bum Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2022.48.2.151 |
6. p. 185 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Long-range Artillery Intercept System According to the Command Assignment Algorithm of the Control Center
Taegu Kim, Yeonjoo Kim, Donggeun Kim, Inchul Park, Donghyouk Shim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2022.48.2.185 |
7. p. 198 A Study on the Optimal Material Allocation for a Smart Factory in Electronics Manufacturing
Seungmin Jeong, Shin Woong Sung, Chong Keun Kim, Eoksu Sim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2022.48.2.198 |
8. p. 211 Optimization of Hydrogen Refueling Stations Deployment and Supply Chain Networks: Current Status and Research Suggestions
Hyunyoung Ryu, Byung-In Kim, Minseok Song, Hyunjoon Kim, Deoksang Lee, Seungyeop Lee, Jaemin Shin, Young-Don Yoo, Su Hyun Kim, Hyejin Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2022.48.2.211 |
10. p. 235 KoBERTSEG: Local Context Based Topic Segmentation Using KoBERT
Kyoosung So, Yunseung Lee, Euisuk Chung, Pilsung Kang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2022.48.2.235 |
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