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[Original Research] |
2. p. 242 Integrating PMML and PFA with Asset Administration Shell for Interoperable Smart Factories
Seung-Jun Shin, Ju-Hong Lee, Joung-min Park, Jumyung Um
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2021.47.3.242 |
3. p. 255 Effect of Social Interaction on Evacuation Participation : Mathematical Approach to Many-body Problem
Jeongsik Kim, Soohyung Park, Byoung-jik Kim, Namhun Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2021.47.3.255 |
[Application Research] |
4. p. 263 Early Prediction of Patient Disposition for Emergency Department Visits Using Machine Learning
Ha Eun Hwang, Hyungu Kahng, Eu Sun Lee, Jung Youn Kim, Young Hoon Yoon, Seoung Bum Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7232/JKIIE.2021.47.3.263 |
[Case Studies] |
[Research Letter] |
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